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Tantra for Professional Training

It goes beyond the Sexual Energy and the mundane,
It’ s a Way of Living!

By Humita Premmiela

Tantra for Professionals is a one-of-a-kind training designed for those who are already established in their fields. Whether you are a coach, therapist, yoga teacher, mother/father, leader in bizz or entrepreneur, this program offers a unique opportunity to integrate ancient Indian tantric philosophy into your life and work. 


This training is crafted for you if wish to explore The Mystical Path of Tantra and Awaken your inner Tantrica.’ Built on the belief that we are all born as Tantricas, this program helps you reconnect with that innate wisdom that may have been forgotten along the way.


“We forgot to remember again!”

A Journey of Mastery and Transformation

This training is the culmination of 15 years of global exploration, experience and learning from the best Masters, Gurus, Tantric Practitioners, Enlightened Beings, Teachers, and Great Souls. Seven-year Tantric sabbatical allowed Humita Premmiela to fulltime dive into this sacred practices, meditations and teaching and bring back the Magic to the West! And maybe to you….

“ It’s not just a push on a button”.

You are ready to embrace the Tantric Way of Life through unique methods developed by Humita Premmiela herself, centered around the five pillars method of a Tantric Lifestyle. This training will not only enhance your professional life but also enrich your personal to start with. You’ll gain deeper awareness and learn to incorporate these teachings into your own life, as well as share them with your children, loved ones, clients and students.

In this training, you will be equipped to develop your own unique Tantric way of life pillar method. By the end, your inner Tantrica archetype will be fully alive and vibrant again, embodying the Tantric lifestyle and ready to spread this profound love and wisdom with the world. We would love to see you fly!

An Unparalleled Journey

With a track record of running this wisdom successfully for the last 15 years, it boasts a remarkable 98% client satisfaction rate. Proud we are!

This upcoming round is different though, even better, and will feature the most renowned International Female Tantra teachers, adding exceptional depth and expertise.

+ plus the Private Tailor-Made Embodiment sessions, the training is on fire. (Limited spots)

Are we a match?

This is the training if you’re looking to up-level your love life, professional life, and overall zest for life.

The uniqueness of this training lies in its comprehensive blend of theory, practical applications, quality of content and the best tantra teachers in the world, and highly effective empowerment and embodiment practices. Oh and some magic!

You have a private portal and App. You’ll have easy access to guided meditations, audio, and video content, all designed to be easily integrated into your daily life. These practices offer instant gratification and tangible results, making the transformation both profound and accessible.


1. Self-Exploration & Magical Experiences: Delve into Tantra first for yourself, experiencing her depth and variety. This personal journey will offer insights into your being, remembering the beauty of existence, revealing why you are here and what you are meant to do.

2. Embodiment & Experience are Key: Learn to embody Tantra in your daily life. The practices are designed to be easily implemented, offering a deeper meaning and connection to yourself and life itself.

What to Expect from the Tantra For Professionals Training?

The Mystical World of Tantra, presented in all her diverse flavors and colors.
This journey is both personal and transformative, beginning with your own exploration and experience before extending to share this wisdom with others.


3. Diverse Teachings: Experience all flavors of Tantra, the magic and expansion,  dark and light, the depth and her various forms. Learn the diverse teaching methods and how to apply them in your life and work.

4. Reflection and Transformation: Engage in opportunities for growth, contemplation, and profound upgrade of your life in all the ways, and what more is possible for you. Gratitude, celebration, and desire are at the heart of this training.

5. Next-Level Growth: Anticipate next-level growth in all areas of your life; relationship, health, business, and family. Understand what it means to live a life with ease and grace, even when ‘life gives you lemons’. You make the most delicious lemon-juice. You are a Human Soul who is constantly aligning with higher self and truth.

6. Comprehensive Learning: From theory to practice, this training covers everything. Enjoy guided meditations, audio, video content, and practical exercises that offer instant results.


At the end of the 9-month training, you will be certified as a Tantra professional, accompanied by an official document by the CRKBO.

Duration and Format:
The training spans 9 months and includes both online pre-recorded and live sessions. Study materials will be released weekly, but you can engage with them at your own pace and rhythm.

Online Training  Our online learning portal is a sacred space filled with treasures just for you. Every month, you’ll receive new practices, meditations, sutras, and the beautiful Diary of a Tantrika to guide you. You’ll also discover creative projects, music that stirs your soul, lectures, and timeless wisdom to deepen your journey. Whether on your computer or private app, this portal is your personal sanctuary, your holy tempel, always there to support you as you bloom into more of who you truly are.

Live Embodiment Sessions:
Each month, you will have a group embodiment call with Humita Premmiela. You will participate in 9 live embodiment sessions, scheduled at the beginning of the training for the entire duration. 

Monthly Recorded Expert Class:
Every month, you will attend a Expert class to deepen your understanding and practice.

Telegram Week:
The last week of every month is designated as “Interactive Coaching” week - High Performance Coaching during 4 days, focusing on intense learning and integration. This is a unique add on to the training which provides you exclusivity and acces to the lead trainer.

Live Gathering and Retreat:
Additionally, there will be opportunities for a live gathering and a retreat, which are not included in the training but will be offered separately to you. These events are expected to be sold out, and you have the first opportunity to join for a discounted fee.

5 Reasons Why This Training is a Masterpiece!


Holistic Personal Growth: This training offers a profound journey into the Mystical and Secret world of Tantra, facilitating deep personal growth. It allows you to explore and experience various aspects of Tantra; white, red, pink & black and all in between, leading to a deeper understanding of yourself, your purpose, and your potential.

Professional Enhancement: Designed for you who is already a professional in fields like coaching, therapy, yoga, and healing, life and motherhood/fatherhood - this training integrates ancient Tantric philosophy into your existing practice. This unique blend enhances your professional skills and offers new tools to support and transform your clients’ lives

Unique Learning Experience: With a combination of theory, practical exercises, guided meditations, live sessions and embodiment practices, this training ensures you gain comprehensive knowledge and skills. The nine live sessions provide personalized guidance, ensuring you to deeply embody the teachings.

Flexible and Accessible: The training is structured to fit into your life seamlessly, with weekly study materials that you can work through at your own pace. You will have access to a private portal, though a personalized app, and a customer service at your availability at any time.

Certified and Credible: Upon completion, you will be a certified Tantra professional, official by the CRKBO. This certification not only validates your skills and knowledge but also enhances your credibility and marketability in your professional field.

Level 1: Authentic Presence
Getting to Know You, Authentic Presence, Coming Home in Your Body, Meeting the Self, and Welcome Sensations

  • Module 0: Getting to Know You
  • Introduction to the training and setting intentions.
  • Establishing a foundation for your journey.

  • Module 1: Who Am I? What Are My Desires?
  • Awaken your inner Tantrica.
  • Discover how she moves, talks, speaks, and acts in life.

  • Module 2: Insights on Tantra
  • Deep dive into the philosophy and principles of Tantra.
  • Understanding the history and essence of Tantra.

  • Module 3: Your Body of Wisdom
  • Prepping your life for Tantric practices.
  • Connecting with your body’s innate wisdom.


  • Practice, experience, go, go, go.
  • Trial and error, and love a little more.
  • Getting to know your inner Tantrica.

Level 2: Integrative Qualities and Strength
Empower Yourself, Experience Peace and Freedom

  • Module 4: Variety of Emotions
  • Understanding and balancing masculine and feminine energy.
  • Exploring the spectrum of emotions.

  • Module 5: Playtime
  • Embrace spontaneity, being wild and free.
  • Cultivating joy and playfulness in your life.

  • Module 6: Pleasure and Sexuality
  • Exploring the interplay of pain and pleasure.
  • Deepening your understanding of sexual energy. 


  • Tools, practices, and love a little more.
  • Empower yourself with integrative qualities and strength.
  • Experience peace and freedom.

Level 3: Multidisciplinary Love and Compassion
Reflection, Compassion, and Gratitude as Your Core Value, Bringing It into the World, Sharing is Caring

  • Module 7: Confession and Pleasure
  • Authentic sharing and enjoying life fully.
  • Enhancing your connection to pleasure and authenticity.

  • Module 8: Heart and Sexuality
  • Integrating heart-centered love with sexual energy.
  • Fostering a deeper connection between your emotional and sexual selves.


  • Module 9: Tantric Initiation
  • Embracing both the light and shadow aspects of Tantra.
  • Completing your initiation into the Tantric path.



  • Multidisciplinary love and compassion.
  • Reflection, compassion, and gratitude as your core value.
  • Bringing it into the world, sharing is caring. This structured journey will guide you through various levels of selfdiscovery, empowerment, and transformation. By the end, you’ll not only be more in tune with your inner Tantrica but also ready to share this profound love and wisdom with the world.⏤

Becoming more of You

This Tantra for Professionals training will transform you, allowing you to live and share the magic of Tantra in your personal and professional life. Choose You and let your Tantric journey begin.

Humita Premmiela

Lead Trainer

Humita Premmiela is an innovator in the field of personal development and joy for life, known for her loving and impactful work worldwide. She empowers people of all ages to develop fully through empowerment and embodiment. Over the past decade, she has coached and inspired thousands to live extraordinary lives without shame.

Many have seen their dreams come true, stepped into their authentic power, and chosen to live passionately. They feel safe and seen while working with her, and their transformations are remarkable.

For those unfamiliar with her, Humita’s roots are in India, and she is a born Tantrika. She has walked this path from zero to a hundred, training with some of the world's most impactful leaders like John de Mol, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, Pema Gitama, John Wineland, Hariprem & Kaulika, Guru Dass Singh, and Abraham Hicks. She is a certified 3HO Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Love, Sex & Relationship Coach, Healer, Quantum Field explorer, and a real Life Artist.


Humita Premmiela is also the founder of the platform The Female Way, hosts her own podcast, and is currently writing her first book in Bali, Tulum & Ibiza, where she lives.

This Tantra for Professionals training will transform you, allowing you to live and share the magic of Tantra in your personal and professional life. Choose You and let your Tantric journey begin.



She is a living master, born into a Tantric family in India. and she is a part of our Tantra for Professionals Training, that is beyond unique! She is almost impossible to find online and she lives in Calcutta India, but for us she makes an exception.

You have a chance to receive a Tantric Initiation from her.

Client Love

"The course has brought me more than I thought it would. The tantra the way Humita brought it is really so clear and so pure. So full of love. The structure was very carefully chosen. I am so happy with all the videos available that I can still watch back now. The different perspectives were also very dynamic and nice to get to know in order to find my own way.”

"The course really makes me feel like I am doing what I need to do. Listening to the voice of the inner unified tantra(a)!"

"The reason I took the course was that I wanted to get more in touch with my feelings (more heart, less head), it brought me that."

"I wanted to feel more present in my body, reawaken my sexual energy and love my body again. And I absolutely succeeded. I really liked Humita's sessions and they worked deeply on me."

"I feel more grounded, clearer about how I want to live this dream, more energetic to manifest and clearer to communicate."

"This course is great for experiencing everything about yourself! And to experience a rebirth .... Embodying the divine in its full potential with all its Human limitations!"

"If there has been any training that has brought me much love and peace, it is this tantra training. If there has been a training that has given me the bubbles of life, but above all the ability to live it and carry it out into the world, it is this tantra training. An impressive interplay of feminine & masculine energy. Focused on what they want to convey. Broad & accessible to all. A careful structure that highlights tantra as pure & clean as it is essentially meant to be. An inner richness that lets its brilliance shine infinitely. More than grateful! All love for a process in Love-Full-Consciousness.... Love Bibian-Liv Sita"

"After a second pregnancy and a lot of busyness in my life, I felt I had lost touch with my body quite a bit. I was looking for ways to reconnect with myself. To enjoy my body again. To feel juicy in my body. And reawaken my sexual energy."

"It really lights up my life with light energy, allowing me to enjoy my body, my senses, my mind in a different way. More dedicated, more succulent, more sensual than the path of my spiritual practice. And I feel it's a vital element for me to feel good...."

"My sex life has changed significantly and become more enjoyable.... Which is an achievement with two small children!
And, I also had a big judgment about 'fun' which I noticed was very much taken over by my family. And by working in this training, that is starting to change.... I feel more okay to enjoy and be sensual...."

"Since I started Tantra, a lot has changed in my life. And that is so beautiful. It changed my life, it changed my relationship with my husband, it gave back my sexuality completely. And I was always very scared. And confidence is just something that came out of this course, really!"